Least able to do without it. In north dakota the average farm is markedly different than the farm in wisconsin. North dakota family farms are thousands of acres involving multiple generations. The proposed a. G. I. Limits ignore this reality. They not only include income from farm operations but other wholly unrelated earnings. Usda Research Shows average offfarm income greatly exceeds onfarm income making the targets of this provision more collateral than actual. American farmers largely support the major policy shift that eliminates direct payments relying solely on this cost sharing arrangement with the federal government resulting in 10 taxpayer savings. Unlike previous subsidies, farmers pay for this by contributing 40 of the premium and the other 60 is not expended by the government unless a claim is made. The increaseing role of federal Crop Insurance as the family farm safety net has diminished the need for crisis appropriations. Absent the stability of an actuarially sound pro