In the basement of its Seoul headquarters, South Korean lender Woori Bank has been running a small office that temporarily replaces its branch in North Korea since it pulled out of the North in 2016. In an office a little over 30 square meters in size, a lone manager handles occasional visits from businesspeople who own factories at the now-shuttered Kaesong Industrial Complex, a symbol of inter-Korean business engag.
The chairmen of two banking groups - Jin Ok-dong of Shinhan and Yim Jong-yong of Woori - are each set to celebrate their first 100 days on the job since taking office in March, pushing ahead to visualize their respective goals.
After Woori Financial Group swore in Yim Jong-ryong as its new chairman last week, attention is now focused on who will lead Woori Bank. The leading post at the banking subsidiary of Woori Financial Group has been empty for nearly a month, following the sudden resignation of former Woori Bank CEO Lee Won-duk early this month.
After Woori Financial Group swore in Yim Jong-ryong as its new chairman last week, attention is now focused on who will lead Woori Bank. The leading post at the banking subsidiary of Woori Financial Group has been empty for nearly a month, following the sudden resignation of former Woori Bank CEO Lee Won-duk early this month.
<p><em>Government forces sprung into action to violently suppress a pro-democracy protest of students and workers in Gwangju, South Korea on May 18, 1980. </em></p>