SEREMBAN: Eight Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel claimed trial at the Sessions Court here to a charge of possessing mousedeer meat. Mousedeer is a protected species.
SEREMBAN: The directors of a travel and tour company offering haj pilgrimage packages claimed trial at a Magistrate's Court here to 51 counts of failing to comply with awards made by the Consumer Claims Tribunal to return RM473,730 to 17 people.
PETALING JAYA: The mother of a two-year-old girl, who died last month after being left alone in a car for several hours, has pleaded not guilty at the sessions court here.
SEREMBAN: A 41-year-old self-employed man and his daughter, a juvenile, have been jointly charged with the murder of a five-year-old girl whose skeletal remains were found near a residential area here on April 7.