Was confessing to something equally dark. Hes looking for a hit man to knock off his hit man . What were the other secrets in the suburbs in heres dennis murphy. Most american neighborhoods have neighborhoods where the houses are bigger, the money a little older. In detroit its grosse point. Its the place where everybody wants to live. The homes are beautiful. The lawns are manicured. Everybody appears to live this perfect life. And in this peaceful enclave of good schools, good churches, good families going back generations, jane and bob bashera had made their home and raised their two children. I love this place. How could you not . Reporter bob. Big bob as hes known around grosse point, with the vanity plates to prove it, was active in rotary, a past president , and hands on for any Community Fundraiser you could name. Jane was equally busy in volunteer organizations, primarily in the high School Mothers group. Theyd been a couple for nearly 30 years. We clicked pretty much right aw