14.09.2022 Energy prices at record highs: Price security thanks to year-round electricity storage system picea | HPS Home Power Solutions AG | News | Nachricht | Mitteilung
12.05.2022 His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and high-level business delegation visit HPS Home Power Solutions | HPS Home Power Solutions GmbH | News | Nachricht | Mitteilung
Image Credit: Dariusz Jarzabek/Shutterstock.com
As of 2021, new regulations in Germany require all new homes to be designed as very low-energy buildings. Founded by Zeyad Abul-Ella and Henrik Colell in 2014, the Berlin-based company Home Power Solutions (HPS) provides off-grid power supply solutions to help new homeowners meet this requirement and transition to clean renewable energy.
Dedicated to the independent and sustainable supply of decentralized energy, HPS develops systems that store and convert solar energy in single- and two-family homes to support the renewable energy revolution and reduce greenhouse gases.
The company’s Picea system is the first off-grid solar-hydrogen-based power supply system worldwide to provide homes with their own specifically designed, localized and emission-free light, heat, and clean air all year round.