Owners Ariane and Tom Ice will be able to run the tasting room they created at The Farm at Wolf Pine Hollow, after the Hancock Select Board rescinded its decision to require a site plan review for the room. The Select Board had previously decided the.
The Grapevine Family & Community Resource Center has received a grant from the John Vance ACCESS Fund, a donor-advised fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, to expand its capacity to identify, include and support individuals with.
After the holidays, when the gifts are unwrapped, the decorations are put away and the tree is thrown out of the house, life usually quiets down. But local recycling centers can’t just forget about Christmas trash.In fact, they prepare to be busy.
The Hancock Conversations on Race Group will hold its fifth annual celebration honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, Jan. 16, at noon in the vestry of Hancock Congregational Church, 47 Main St.The theme of the event is King’s ideal of the.
After the holidays, when the gifts are unwrapped, the decorations are put away and the tree is thrown out of the house, life usually quiets down. But local recycling centers can’t just forget about Christmas trash.In fact, they prepare to be busy.