This beautiful actress is reportedly joining Cha Eun Woo in his upcoming webtoon-based K-Drama "Today's Lovely Dog." Can you guess who this celebrity is?
#ChaEunWoo #TodaysLovelyDog #LeeHyunWoo
great acting in something about 1% .I Hope to see u in person.
2007-08-26 22:31:04)
hi...I always wath something about 1% and jumong.I Hope u can vissit here in phil.God bless u and more Power...bye
2007-08-26 22:26:29)
Great acting in Jumong hope to see you with Song ll Guk together in new TV series and more passionate scence. cos you are both compatible.Cheers!
2007-08-21 06:59:25)
Hello! I m a fan of yours from Singapore. our Tv station just ended showing be strong,Guem-Soon! and i also finished watching Jumong from dvd and feel you are a great in your acting. keep it up! cant wait to watch your next drama. cheers!