07/02/2024 - Based on Ingvild Rishøi's best-selling book, the heart-warming feature stars Anna Drakopoulou Sverrirdottir, Luiza Idrizi and Bartek Kaminski in the leading roles
31/08/2022 - Twelve short-film projects from the Baltic republics and Norway will be taking part in the industry event, which will unspool in Vilnius from 5-8 October
31/08/2022 - Twelve short-film projects from the Baltic republics and Norway will be taking part in the industry event, which will unspool in Vilnius from 5-8 October
31/08/2022 - El evento profesional, que tendrá lugar en Vilna del 5 al 8 de octubre, acogerá doce proyectos de cortometrajes de los países bálticos y Noruega
31/08/2022 - Dodici progetti di cortometraggi dalle repubbliche baltiche e dalla Norvegia prenderanno parte all'evento professionale, che si svolgerà a Vilnius dal 5 all'8 ottobre