The binman has since taken to social media to defend himself and compared the row to the coronavirus pandemic A BINMAN has lost his job after he kicked the head off a snowman built by a three-year-old. Sophie Taylor caught the man on CCTV as he destroyed her son Joseph s impressive snowman, saying his actions were shocking . The little lad was left in floods of tears after watching the worker boot the head off his 7ft-tall creation with a Bruce Lee-style kick. When snow covered the county on Sunday (January 24), the snowman was built in Hampton Rise, Tupsley in Hereford.
HUNDREDS of people have signed a petition calling on Herefordshire Council to reinstate a binman who destroyed a three-year-old boy s snowman. The petition, which was launched by Tsvetan Tsvetkov on on January 28, had garnered more than 500 signatures by Friday lunchtime. Although it is directed at Herefordshire Council the binman was actually employed by an agency. A statment from Herefordshire Council said: We understand the interest in the recent news coverage. We are unable to comment as the person was employed by our waste contractor, who are handling the matter in accordance with their HR policies. In an earlier statement released yesterday, the council said: The employee was a member of agency staff working on behalf of one of the council’s contractors, and he has been informed that he will not be used again.
The youngster and his six-year-old sister Amelia and their friends had built the snowman outside their homes last Sunday. On Tuesday Joseph was watching the binmen collect the rubbish from his home in Tupsley but cried out when he saw it attacked. Shocked mum Sophie, 25, said: “Joseph always likes to watch the binmen out of the window and waves at them. “On Tuesday he came running to me in tears sobbing, ‘The binman has broken my snowman’ and he started doing a kicking motion. “I didn’t really understand what he meant but when we watched the CCTV back I was really shocked.
Binman told not to come back to work after being caught on camera kicking the head off a snowman Robert Dex
A binman has been told not to return to work after he was caught on camera kicking the head off a snowman.
The refuse operative was shown delivering a roundhouse-style kick to the 6ft-tall creation, on a footpath in front of a house, in CCTV footage published by the Hereford Times.
He appears to casually deliver the right-footed blow while waiting for a bin to be emptied into the back of a refuse truck – afterwards returning the bin to its spot on the pavement.