LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a case against Donna Jean Potts, 35, Avondale Street, East Liverpool, was bound over to the county grand jury f
LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a preliminary/pretrial hearing was set May 2 for David Kirby, 32, West Main Street, Washingtonville, charged wi
LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a case against Brock Ward, 40, East Sixth Street, East Liverpool, was bound over to the county grand jury for fourth-degree felony assault and fifth-degree felony harassment by an inmate for an incident in East Liverpool on Feb. 8 when he allegedly spit saliva in the face of […]
LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a preliminary hearing was set Feb. 15 for Robert Smith, 47, Hammond School Road, Wellsville, charged with fifth
LISBON In Columbiana County Municipal Court, a case against Thomas Holman, 43, Hammond School Road, Wellsville, was bound over to the county grand jury for a