does that fire. a have features that prevent an accidental discharge? yes, it has internal safeties. it is double action only, which moans that the firearm cannot be cocked unless the trigger is pulled. pulling the trigger will both dock and release the hammer, which is located back here, it is also shrouded so you cannot get to it to be able to dock it. it also has a hammer block, which is a mechanical piece that prevents the hammer from being in contact with the firing pin unless the trigger is pulled and then that will drop out of the way and allow the hammer to hit the firing pin. what does, what do you mean by trigger travel distance? trigger travel distance is the distance that the trigger has to be pulled rearward in order to release the firing mechanism, or in this case, dock and release the hammer. and what s the distance or relative distance of the trigger travel distance on that particular firearm? this particular gun has a longer doesn t than most typical pistols.
thank you. what is meant by the term trigger pull? trigger pull is the amount of force required to release the firing mechanism. are you able to measure that with any particular firearm? yes. did you measure that with this firearm? i did. explain to the jury how you did that. i hung a series of known weights from the shooting position of the trigger where the finger will rest. and i kept adding weights until the trigger was pulled and the hammer cocked and released. and what did you find when you measured the trigger pull? it was between 4 1/2 and 4 3/4 pounds. is that within the manufacturer s specifications? yes, it is. did you also receive a fired cartridge case with this evidence? yes. how many? i received one fired cartridge case. your honor let me show you