Tasmania s AFL ultimatum is the right move, but it places the entire sport in Tasmania at risk
SatSaturday 13
FebFebruary 2021 at 12:02am
Severing ties with North Melbourne and Hawthorn would mean a $30 million hole in the winter tourism economy.
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Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein believes his ultimatum to the AFL presents Tasmanians with the ultimate win-win and he s probably right.
Either the AFL gives Tasmania a date for entry to the league, or the State Government cuts funding to Hawthorn and North Melbourne, leaving multi-million-dollar holes in their balance sheets.
It s a threat from the pen of a Premier in charge of a state that no longer has anything to lose, and a scenario the AFL surely doesn t want to see happen.
Sunday, 10 January 2021, 6:09 am
Open shearing final lineup at the Peninsula Duvauchelle
Shears on Saturday. Photo /
National 2019-2020 No
1-ranked Open shearer and New Zealand transtasman shearing
series team member Troy Pyper got his second win of the
current season in a close result at the Peninsula
Duvauchelle Shears yesterday(Saturday).
Southland, now based in North Canterbury and just back from
shearing in Hawke’s Bay, he won the the title at the
Duvauchelle A and P Show for a third time in a
But there was just a 0.43 points margin from
runner-up Ant Frew, of Pleasant Point, in a 10-sheep Open