The last rites of Afghan Sikh Swinder Singh who died in a Kabul Gurdwara took place in a Delhi Gurdwara on Monday. Swinder singh, along with the security guard of the Gurdwara, Ahmed Moradi, an Afghan national died on Saturday, 18th June as Islamic state terrorists attacked the famous Karte Parwan Gurdwara in the country's national capital.
During the solemn ceremony, Antim Ardas and Bhog, India's Petroleum and Natural Gas minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Afghanistan's Ambassador to India Farid Mamundzay, and cultural attaché Hamdullah Arbab were present.
A war of words have ensued on the social media platform Twitter after reports emerged that a Taliban official had slammed Pakistan for donating poor quality of wheat while praising the quality of wheat sent by India.
A war of words have ensued on the social media platform Twitter after reports emerged that a Taliban official had slammed Pakistan for donating poor quality of
A war of words have ensued on the social media platform Twitter after reports emerged that a Taliban official had slammed Pakistan for donating poor quality of
Wheat donated by Pakistan is not edible: Taliban Official," Afghan journalist Abdulhaq Omeri tweeted as he posted a video of the Taliban official. Afghan people were seen thanking India on Twitter for the "good quality wheat."