JENIN, Palestinian Territories Armed with M16 rifles and encrypted messaging apps, Palestinians are resisting Israeli forces in Jenin, the West Bank home of the gunman behind last week's deadly Tel Aviv shooting rampage.Heaps of car tyres are piled high, to be turned into burning road barricades next time the Israeli forces jeeps roll in for another incursion into this
Armed with M16 rifles and encrypted messaging apps, Palestinian militants are resisting Israeli forces in Jenin, the West Bank home of the gunman behind last week's deadly Tel Aviv shooting rampage.
JENIN, Palestinian Territories Armed with M16 rifles and encrypted messaging apps, Palestinians are resisting Israeli forces in Jenin, the West Bank home of the gunman behind last week's deadly Tel Aviv shooting rampage.Heaps of car tyres are piled high, to be turned into burning road barricades next time the Israeli forces jeeps roll in for another incursion into this