but a lightning bolt, when she decided on a lark to take this mystery to a world of strangers, posting the letter strings before the online community at metafilter.com. they were on it immediately. did she ever sing songs to your dad, one person asked? another came up with, was she a religious woman? religious, wait a minute. those letters, aaa, one person posted, maybe that s amen, amen, amen. then the breakthrough, recognize that? someone out there did. it s a prayer. our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name reporter: dorothy holme was settling with god. the other letters unsolved. the code-breakers are still at it. but they do mean something. for her granddaughter, that means something. that s so fascinating. you wonder if those other letters are parts of prayers brave woman. what if you found out those
at the time but the tornado that hammered washington had winds up to 190 miles an hour. as his family huddled in terror, cnn ireporter anthony corey started praying but he kept his camera going. our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. anthony corey, who took that stunning video, joins us now by telephone. anthony, thank you so much for joining us. we are glad you re in one piece. i have to ask you as you were praying there, did you think you were seeing your own final moments? i mean, i wasn t really afraid. i come from a very devout catholic christian family and
circle juggle and auburn wins. look at the reaction from the crowd. whoo-hoo. jumping jehosephat. stay tuned because way too early starts right now. our father who respearen t i heaven, hallowed be thy name and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who truespass against out. deliver us from evil. the words and images, as dozens tornadoed result in loss of life. a live report from the midwest and bill karins details what happened. also, in russia, plane crashes to the ground and kills 50 people. might teed to lighten things up a little at least humorwise
people off. you want people happy, they re not happy with you, governor. do you remember, did you ever go to public school and have to say the lord s prayer in public school. i went to catholic school and okay. okay, well, i did and get this, first we had to say pledge of allegiance, which is good, but then all of us had to say the lord s prayer, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name and the court ruled that not all students non-christian have to say a christian prayer and there s outrage just like with the tree. now you look back on it, you think of course you can t ask non-christians to say a christian prayer in public school. so, these controversies, you generate them here and they shouldn t be controversy. and the public i think two different occasions though. no, not at all. a christmas tree is a symbol. it s not a symbol of religion, nothing do with religion. this is secular building, and. the lord s prayer is
people off. you want people happy, they re not happy with you, governor. do you remember, did you ever go to public school and have to say the lord s prayer in public school. i went to catholic school and okay. okay, well, i did and get this, first we had to say pledge of allegiance, which is good, but then all of us had to say the lord s prayer, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name and the court ruled that not all students non-christian have to say a christian prayer and there s outrage just like with the tree. now you look back on it, you think of course you can t ask non-christians to say a christian prayer in public school. so, these controversies, you generate them here and they shouldn t be controversy. and the public i think two different occasions though. no, not at all. a christmas tree is a symbol. it s not a symbol of religion, nothing do with religion. this is secular building, and. the lord s prayer is