The central reason is that its home to outstanding journalists. A standout among them is tom friedman massachusetts you may now you may have noticed that theres a photo that purports to be tom freidman. Tom spent his life getting out into the world doing thorough research and people to people in every station of walk and every walk of life and around the i planet. The result is something quite different from the cynicism and aggression acquired in universe. What we get instead is a pair of rarities and they are the products of reporting and reflection themselves all too rare. Those qualities can be found in toms press bestselling books and you can find them again in toms latest, thank you for being late, optimist guy to thrive in anal of acceleration. When the former aide or the of economist wrote his review of toms book for the New York Times he rightly observed it is hard to think of any other journalist who has explained as many complicated subjects to so many people. Among the cent
I moved to new york city three weeks before 9 11, and from that day forward i have lived in awe of the spirit of new yorkers. And last night i was so happy that new yorkers went on, and had their halloween parade, which is an incredibly wonderful celebration of that spirit. And there was a guardian reporter who tweeted something last night that i think was a perfect illustration of that spirit. Lets show that tweet real quick. Hours after a terror attack i keep interviewing new yorkers dressed as chickens who say they are not afraid. [ light laughter ] thats pretty great. [ applause ] there are on any year, they have parades like that, and any of the number of parades you have over the course of a year in new york city, there are so Many Police Officers out, and there were so many out last night making sure everyone was safe, and you could tell that some Police Officers really enjoyed being on the side of this crazy revelry that is the halloween parade. And you can tell other new york
Manhattan yesterday afternoon. There is nothing i can say to the families of the victims of that awful tragedy, but i can say this. I moved to new york city three weeks before 9 11, and from that day forward i have lived in awe of the spirit of new yorkers. And last night i was so happy that new yorkers went on, and had their halloween parade, which is an incredibly wonderful celebration of that spirit. And there was a guardian reporter who tweeted something last night that i think was a perfect illustration of that spirit. Lets show that tweet real quick. Hours after a terror attack i keep interviewing new yorkers dressed as chickens who say they are not afraid. [ light laughter ] thats pretty great. [ applause ] there are on any year, they have parades like that, and any of the number of parades you have over the course of a year in new york city, there are so Many Police Officers out, and there were so many out last night making sure everyone was safe, and you could tell that some P
That ben jerrys was willing to take a stand on an issue that was not in its own financial selfinterest. It was for the common good. That was the big difference. Business is always taking political stance. Business is a very political animal. It is always lobbying to not raise the minimum wage. Business is always lobbying to not add any more environmental regulation. Business is always looking out for its financial selfinterest. But when business takes a stand for the common good, people stand up and take notice. This is something that is different. That really set ben jerrys on the path to being a different kind of company. And as ben said, soon there after the cold war ended, so it was very successful. [laughter] host i must say, there are most days i have to say i love my job, and today is one day i especially love my job. I got to have this amazing conversation and on behalf of all of us that put this together, we have something for you. [applause] host thank you so much. Mr. Greenf
On behalf of everybody at p and p and the staff here at sixth i welcome. You know we and pnp have been doing jointly sponsored author talks for a number of years. As much as we would have liked to have had you at our store on connecticut avenue, you just all would not have fit. So we really are very excited to be able to use this spacious and very beautiful and comfortable setting for author talks like the one this evening. And what a treat to have Thomas Friedman with us. And im sure youre familiar with his columns of the New York Times in his books. Note how great explain on just about everything he is. You can cut through the complexity of something and write about them as clearly as tom can. He says that the start of his new book that he went into journalism in part because he loves translating from english to english. And that has been evident in his work. When he focuses on in his new book, thank you for being late. Our several portions that he singled out as defining the world t