necessarily because of the quality of the necessarily because of the quality of the speak each other alike to do quite of the speak each other alike to do quite a of the speak each other alike to do quite a hit of the speak each other alike to do quite a bit more than rachel but the drama quite a bit more than rachel but the drama was quite a bit more than rachel but the drama was great. it was great spectacle drama was great. it was great spectacle with heckler after heckler standing spectacle with heckler after heckler standing up, keir starmer giving line after standing up, keir starmer giving line after line and being carefully prepared line after line and being carefully prepared by the way. i think team sturmer prepared by the way. i think team stormer knew exactly what was coming their way stormer knew exactly what was coming their way today. a chilly the medium was the their way today. a chilly the medium was the message and they think the hecklers. was