. how how much money do you charge, if you don t mind memuch mon asr a single person or per family? i m sure it s more expensive. wee have two payments.ve two p the firsayt one is of twelved th thousand dollars and the second one is of sixteen thousand and those payments, those ares two separate payments, one made before you leave the journey and the other one s made when we ask them to pay here because we use the money to start them t paying the fees that they are going to be needed inney. the journey. o and then the other half, when do they pay it or the that halfe is paid once they are over family. what if they don t pay?pay? they have a guarantee over here in el salvador.e ca sose in the case that they don t pay, we take away their car or r their house. hoy has changed dramatically under and we expecchanget more than one hundred and seventy thousand plus children