I confess that when I first saw this I thought no way this is correct, but the numbers back it up. A new ranking claims that Springfield, Missouri is now more dangerous than St. Louis. Let's do a deep dive in the numbers and see if this is accurate and if so, wow.
What's scarier than investigating an abandoned place? Answer: realizing that you're not alone. That's exactly what happened to some urban explorers who recently checked out what remains of an abandoned elementary school in Illinois.
I confess that when I first saw this I thought no way this is correct, but the numbers back it up. A new ranking claims that Springfield, Missouri is now more dangerous than St. Louis. Let's do a deep dive in the numbers and see if this is accurate and if so, wow.
This Missouri guy really deserves to be famous. He allegedly did something I've never seen done before. He tried to rob a Springfield, Missouri bank. One slight problem. He wrote the note he gave to the teller demanding money on the back of his own birth certificate. Genius.