Q&A: Rep. Brad Daw, 60th House District Haley Donwerth | Sep 15, 2020
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Rep. Brad Daw, sitting his last term serving the 60th House District of Utah, is looking back on some of his biggest accomplishments as part of the Health and Human Services Committee. In this Q&A, he speaks on his past legislation and what the immediate future of COVID-19 might look like during this fall back-to-school season.
Haley Donwerth: Can you tell me about House Bill 285 and what the purpose is?
Rep. Brad Daw: “This actually expands an existing program. The main thing this bill does is increase the license renewal fee for prescribing professionals, and the reason for that is to expand an existing program that allows licensed professionals who prescribe to have a program where, if they get addicted, this is a program to help them get unhooked from their addiction. This is for doctors, pharmacists, the kind of folks who have a different type of access to prescription dru