Read Latest India News Quickly Here | The police action came following a tip-off that the accused, who lived in a rented house at Hale Gurupura here, were selling ganja among the locals. In another incident, police on Saturday picked up three people during a raid in a rented house in Shivaganga Layout here.
Superintendent of Police, Shivamogga, G.K. Mithun Kumar told journalists on Saturday that the arrested students had collected information about indoor cultivation of ganja from websites.
The police seized 227 gm of dry ganja - worth about Rs 5,800, Rs 30,000 worth -1.53 kg of fresh ganja, 10 gm of charas, ganja seeds, cannabis oil, ganja powder among others
The vice president of the European Central Bank believes that recent interest rate rises are having an impact and inflation is being tamed. ECB Says finishing Line in Sight on Inflation, Interest.