A case but it has been tricky for the i. C. C. Because of jurisdictional issues because me and maher is not a signatory to the rome statute they are not a member of the International Criminal court they do not recognize the i. C. C. Bangladesh however a which has helped the i. C. C. In building this case is a member of the rome statute and the fact that in the reporting there has been about this we heard that these 2 soldiers fled to bangladesh its really going to be interesting to find out just how much of a role bangladesh played in trying to get them to the i. C. C. Of course having direct testimony from soldiers involved in what many have called these horrific atrocities committed against the rohingya that would be a Huge Development Rohingya Refugees since the beginning of the crackdown that was launched against them august 25th 2017 have used the word genocide to describe what happened what was perpetrated against them so if now there is direct testimony that means that me and ma