On Saturday, February 6th, 2021, Virginia Delegate and candidate for Lt. Governor of VA , Hala Ayala, hosted a Survivors of Gun Violence Awareness panel, via Zoom, LIVE on Facebook. The event was made public for anyone to join in and watch,
“Delegate Hala Ayala Presents: National Gun Violence Survivors Week Roundtable.”
About 20 or so gun control activists were included, including members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America as well as Lori Haas of The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. There was also myself and two other gun rights activists who happened to be “allowed” in.
If you’re a gun rights activist in VA and don’t know who Lori Haas is… you should. Lori found her role in gun control activism back when her daughter, Emily, attended VA Tech in 2007. In April of that year, a deranged gunman opened fire within the campus, killing 32 and wounding 17, including Emily- who sustained two gunshot wounds and lived. VA Tech, like most schools, from