The Bombay High Court Bench in Aurangabad has issued a notice to Haj Committee of India seeking its response in 10 days on the excess amount it is charging to the pilgrims going for Hajj 2023 from Aurangabad Embarkation Point.
The Hajj season 2023 (Hajj 1444 AH) is set to officially begin from Sunday May 21 when the first Haj flight will arrive at Jeddah Haj Terminus, King Abdulaziz International Airport from Pakistan.
SRINAGAR: The pilgrims for the Hajj-2023 from Jammu & Kashmir would start leaving for Saudi Arabia from the first week of June 2023. Pertinently, around 10, 000 people from Jammu and Kashmir are going to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj this year, as per the draw of lots held in the month of March.
The Hajj pilgrims from India are in shock after the Haj Committee of India charged excessive amount and air ticket price to those going to Makkah from different embarkation points other than Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.