Senator Sonny Angara (Photo courtesy ofSenate PRIB) MANILA - Senator Sonny Angara on Monday sponsored the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF) prepared by the Marcos administration's economic managers. In a privilege speech, Angara said the MTFF's primary objective is to stabilize the fiscal house in the short-term, without hampering the efforts at jumpstarting the country's economic recovery and sustaining growth in the medium-term. "In that sense, the MTFF can stand as our first glimpse into the broad policy strokes that our administration wants to take that will be encapsulated and discussed more in detail in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2022-2028, which is scheduled to be published by the end of this year," he said. During the recent meeting of the Committee on Finance, chaired by Angara, with economic managers, the representatives of the Department of Finance (DOF) explained that the MTFF shall serve as the country's blueprint, specifically for re