Stress And Hair Fall: Nutritionist Shares Diet Tips To Deal With Telogen Effluvium Stress And Hair Fall: Nutritionist Shares Diet Tips To Deal With Telogen Effluvium Hair care tips: Hair fall is a common problem reported these days. Stress can be a major contributor to hair fall. Here are three nutrition tips that might help.
Hair care: A healthy diet can provide nutrients tot your hair, controlling hair fall
Right nutrition can help prevent hair fall at home
Add protein and vitamin E to your diet for healthy hair grwoth
Hair fall is a common condition these days. It can affect both men and women. Hair thinning can be worrisome. There can be many possible reasons behind hair fall. Touching upon this issue, nutritionist Nmami Agarwal said in a recent Instagram video that it can be a condition called telogen effluvium, a form of temporary hair loss. She reveals, stress as the main culprit for this condition during ongoing pandemic. She further adds that man