hair color was as important as your cut. now a breakthrough from vidal sassoon helps stop water from fading away the vibrant color you wish would stay. waterproof it! the vidal sassoon hair color collection has an exclusive hydrablock system that helps lock in our color for as long as salon color. up to 48 washes! prove it to yourself. vidal sassoon waterproof color. salon genius. affordable for all.
hair color was as important as your cut. now a breakthrough from vidal sassoon helps stop water from fading away the vibrant color you wish would stay. waterproof it! the vidal sassoon hair color collection has an exclusive hydrablock system that helps lock in our color for as long as salon color. up to 48 washes! prove it to yourself. vidal sassoon waterproof color. salon genius. affordable for all.
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hair color was as important as your cut. now a breakthrough from vidal sassoon helps stop water from fading away the vibrant color you wish would stay. waterproof it! the vidal sassoon hair color collection has an exclusive hydrablock system that helps lock in our color for as long as salon color. up to 48 washes! prove it to yourself. vidal sassoon waterproof color. salon genius. affordable for all.
[ male announcer ] for the original salon genius, hair color was as important as your cut. now a breakthrough from vidal sassoon helps stop water from fading away the vibrant color you wish would stay. waterproof it! the vidal sassoon hair color collection has an exclusive hydrablock system that helps lock in our color for as long as salon color. up to 48 washes! prove it to yourself. vidal sassoon waterproof color. salon genius. affordable for all.