Give School Supplies To Needy College Students Through Upcoming Fundraiser by James Coulter A new spring semester is right around the corner. While this new semester may bring new opportunities for some college students, for others, especially those who are low income, it will bring yet another reason to have…
More Than 200-Year-Old Army Veteran Honored At Haines City Veteran’s Day Ceremony by James Coulter The name Zebulon Montgomery Pike may not ring a bell, but if you've ever visited Colorado, chances are you know of Pikes Peak, a mountain named after him. Under the authority of Thomas Jefferson, Brigadier…
You Won't Believe These 7 Facts About The Civil War As Presented By This Local Author by James Coulter "War Calls, Love Cries" is your typical love story. Young man grows up in small town upstate New York. Dreams of marrying his hometown sweetheart. She harbors a dark family secret…
Face Off Prepares College Students With Care Packages And Motivation by James Coulter Portia White never attended college, but she did enroll in the military. As such, she can empathize with the loneliness that college students feel when they move away from home and away from their friends and family.…