From california, mr. Correa, each will control 20 minutes. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Gallagher i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their rass their remarks an include extraneous material on the by the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Gallagher i yield myself such time as i may consume. As we destroy the caliphate in the middle east, foreign fighters and sympathizers have fled the battlefield and are looking for new ways to spread hatred, gain new followers, and disrupt our way of life. The new york city bombing at the the bombing at the new york City Bus Authority was the second bombing in new york in two months. Given the current environment at the direction of chairman mccaul i led a task force to identify specific National Security challenges and how terrorists might infiltrate the homeland and bring harm. We produced a report to fix any identified weaknesses that may be exploited by our enemies. This resulted in