you may have two photos and POSSIBLY a video of Donna Rose and Tallulah at the fishing access by the chicken farm we went to last weekend, where they had SO MUCH FUN. We don t want to walk to the river wah wah bitch bitch, said Donna Rose. Wah there is something in my boot bitch wah. Guess who had the GREATEST TIME, as obviously two inches of water is the best toy in the world.
https://t.co/O7H9MvCqnA Shypixel (@Shypixel)1619272513.0
GOODBYE! Rebecca Schoenkopf is the owner, publisher, and editrix of Wonkette. She is a nice lady, SHUT UP YUH HUH. She is very tired with this fucking nonsense all of the time, and it would be terrific if you sent money to keep this bitch afloat. She is on maternity leave until 2033.