serious governing. we may have we ve kind of forgotten that last few years. we ve lost that muscle memory what it looks and feels like when lawmakers actually govern. don t forget what the republicans on capitol hill are doing right now, over in the senate, democrats are trying to pass a simple bill that would do nothing other than prevent the united states from defaulting on its debt, which would cause economic calamity, republicans in the senate are actively blocking democrats from doing that, laughing about the democrats trying to protect the full faith and credit of the united states. republican senator rick scott of south carolina saying i m sorry of florida saying this is going to be a ball. i m going to have so much fun. republican senator kevin cramer, quote, it s sort of fun to watch their chaos. one of the two parties has just been totally checked out from actual governing for a long time now. we may not remember what it s like when politicians argue and negotiate, and ha
that critical race theory is just classroom discussion of race and racism as the new york times called it. but parents know better. they can play word games and haggle over the definition but we know racism, no matter what costume it wears. but as they run for the hills, and run away from critical race theory, expect them to yell something familiar back over their shoulder best incapsulated in a tweet from congresswoman rasheda tlaib who said opposition to critical race theory is obviously rooted in racism. and has just become the newest dog whistle for racists. of course. joining me now johnson the host of the informed dissent podcast. i m glad to have you on the program tonight. you are insightful thinker, i love following your work on twitter and publications on your podcast as well. there is no doubt there are disparities and outcome in our country informs burglar and white americans. can that be counted for and solved by yelling racism and tearing down the foundation of
interested in them. i don t think this is well thought off. they are seeing what it has wroth. tucker: shouldn t somebody be honest for the public about what these changes will mean for the rest of us under the new green deal? yes, that i am not sure they realize what they are dealing with. i am speaking about no emissions. the washington wise man understands you can t say no. you have to haggle. first you hope they will never follow-through and lose their
as it s different with sometimes we spend five hours with a client discussing all the details that we might work on the text for the deaf announcement or on the decorations of the funeral service the music there are lots of details as and and i think you can only do them justice by discussing them in person. because anything is pretty good i just. undertakers are often criticised for charging too much the bereaved tend not to haggle. but what p.r. involved says his company can offer funerals thirty percent cheaper with no hidden costs the berlin startup has raised millions from investors the purchasing and planning processes have been digitalized customers can select everything on their computers or via telephone hotline that way they can see how much each item costs and what the total price will be. as an exception i get
chosen but also the fact that lensing is available around the clock. as it s made from with sometimes we spend five hours with the client discussing all the details that we might work on the text for the deaf announcement or on the decorations of the funeral service the music there are lots of details and i think you can only do them justice by discussing them in person. because anything is pretty good i just. undertakers are often criticised for charging too much the bereaved tend not to haggle. all very much but if you re involved as his company can offer funerals thirty percent cheaper with no hidden costs the berlin startup has raised millions from investors the purchasing and planning processes have been digitalized customers can select everything on their computers or via telephone hotline that way they can see how