panetta institute of public policy, i had secretary hagel oi want to be fair, ask you both kind of the same question, what gives you cause for optimism or concern as you assess the world today? i think there is a lot of danger points, in the world that we re facing, a lot of flash points probably more since world war ii. if you look at the fact that we re continues to confront terrorism in the world. if you look at the fact that there are failed states in the middle east which breed terrorism and you look at china and the threat that china represents to the united states and to the world. russia new era of the cold war. north korea, expanding its nuclear weapon stock pile.
panetta institute of public policy, i had secretary hagel oi want to be fair, ask you both kind of the same question, what gives you cause for optimism or concern as you assess the world today? i think there is a lot of danger points, in the world that we re facing, a lot of flash points probably more since world war ii. if you look at the fact that we re continues to confront terrorism in the world. if you look at the fact that there are failed states in the middle east which breed terrorism and you look at china and the threat that china represents to the united states and to the world. russia new era of the cold war. north korea, expanding its nuclear weapon stock pile.
panetta institute of public policy, i had secretary hagel oi want to be fair, ask you both kind of the same question, what gives you cause for optimism or concern as you assess the world today? i think there is a lot of danger points, in the world that we re facing, a lot of flash points probably more since world war ii. if you look at the fact that we re continues to confront terrorism in the world. if you look at the fact that there are failed states in the middle east which breed terrorism and you look at china and the threat that china represents to the united states and to the world. russia new era of the cold war. north korea, expanding its nuclear weapon stock pile.