The Dutch Coast Guard responded to an engine room fire on a tanker offshore near Amsterdam on Monday morning. They are reporting that the fire was qui.
A local non-profit is taking an innovative approach to address food insecurity in the community. The Frenchtown Neighborhood Improvement Association is expanding their services with food kiosks.
(PLX AI) - Hafnia sells 8 vessels to Ace Tankers for USD 252.4 million.• The deal to sell the stainless steel vessels is releasing approximately USD 50 million in cash to Hafnia, the company said• Four
Hafnia (OTCMKTS:HFIAF – Get Rating) had its price objective upped by HC Wainwright from 25.00 to 29.00 in a research note published on Wednesday morning, The Fly reports. OTCMKTS:HFIAF opened at $1.60 on Wednesday. Hafnia has a 12 month low of $1.60 and a 12 month high of $1.60. The firm has a fifty day […]
15.03.2022 - (PLX AI) – Hafnia Q4 net income USD -7.9 million vs. estimate USD -4 million.Going into 2022, Hafnia had a positive view of the product tanker market, expecting increased cargo volumes and longer voyages to meet increasing oil demand and replenish .