Haffkine Biopharma has been allotted a grant of Rs 159 crore by the Centre and the Maharashtra government combined for the production of Covaxin doses.
Good news about COVID-19 vaccine! This company will make 2.28 crore doses of Covaxin - The company has received a grant of Rs 65 crore by the Center and Rs 94 crore by the Maharashtra government for the production of Covaxin.
The Centre on Wednesday took steps to accelerate domestic vaccine production. Mumbai-based Haffkine Biopharma will produce 22.8 crore doses per annum of Covaxin under technology transfer arrangement with Bharat Biotech.
With the aim of vaccinating the entire eligible population at the earliest, domestic vaccine production is being steadily ramped up in the country with help from the Centre. As part of this initiative, three public enterprises are being supporte