the nbc poll is after a rough few months for the president with the chaotic afghanistan withdrawal. the delta surge and covid cases, and democratic in-fighting over his own agenda. congress has spent weeks in messy debates over some of the president s key policies. several of which have been eliminated from the build back better bill altogether. those eliminations include provisions to lower prescription drug prices and medicare expansions. a group of democrats are reportedly hammering out a last ditch effort to get some of those things added back into the package before the aecht anticipated vote in the house on tuesday. senator bernie sanders is one of the democrats working on this. we re working today. we re going to work tomorrow to strengthen that bill. it is outrageous that we continue to pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. this is not easy stuff. but what we are trying to do is put together the most consequential piece of legislation in the modern
Did you know you had to park your car at least five metres from a pedestrian crossing? If you said ‘no’, you’re not alone. Parking closer to a zebra crossing than that is illegal, and motorists can be fined for doing it.
The Brussels region is set to start works on six intersections it has designated as dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. It is the latest round of projects to improve 23 intersections in the region that were listed in 2015 as posing the most critical traffic problems.