Dénouement cruel pour l’Immercurien Adrien Bart, ce samedi matin en finale du canoë monoplace 1 000 m, avec une quatrième place à seulement un dixième de seconde de la médaille de bronze.
democratic targets with incendiary devices after the 2020 election. rusty hicks, chair of the california democratic party said in a statement, we are relieved to know the plot was unsuccessful. it points to a broader issue of violent extremism that is far too common in today s political discourse. i want to bring in my panel, adrian el rod, democratic strategies and former senior aide on the biden campaign, and contributor to the boston globe . thanks for having us, joe. adrien, i want to get your reaction to what was pointed out, and some people would say january 6th. what are your thoughts as we see these type of incidents and allegations unfold? it is highly disturbing because this is what happens when you have a party in america
political opposites have been percolating for a very long time. i m not necessarily certain that it did start with january 6th. i would say that this is something that has sort of been bubbling up for maybe the past four or five years now. i think you are seeing an increase in this because you don t see enough leaders speaking against these types of antics and speaking towards more of a coalesce around and against these types of things and unity and bipartisanship that some people may find that it is okay to exhibit and behave in these types of ways. i think that at some point you do have to sort of send a clear message that we won t tolerate this. it is okay to have political differences. it is okay to debate aggressively about those things, but we don t want to do so in a way that causes potential harm to our political opposites. i don t think we have enough leaders speaking towards that. adrien, i want to talk about the book everyone has been talking about the past few days and re
the year in advance of the election itself. chris, thanks for having me on. as aid yuan knows, onot just shaking hands and appearing at rallies fund-raising. you have to spend times raising dollars to fuel the campaign. there s no question that the impeachment process could fundamentally disrupt the schedule. so if i m joe biden, i am sleeping on cots in des moines and cedar rapids and iowa city. if i m one of those senators, i am pushing the other senators out of the way in order to get television time off the senate floor to make sure that i m penetrating on every single tv screen throughout iowa. adapt and adjust. adrien, that s the key because there s supposed to be silent jurors. of course. it presents a challenge especially if the senate trial goes into january and february.