white house is now signaling that they just might have to consider military tribunals. california democratic congresswoman jane harman supported the administration s strategy so far, she s on the homeland security committee and chairs the intelligence subcommittee. welcome to you. first of all i m envious, you were on recess back there in l.a., i know you re working hard but i got to tell you, washington is no place to be right now. but let s talk andrea, i feel your pain. yeah, but let s talk about the terror trial because the white house, the washington post did some pretty sharp reporting and now brother gibbs has weighed in during his briefing today that they say that since the congressional folks have said they re going to start legislation, that the white house has to get into this, and it s not they re overruling eric holder and the justice department but they have to reconsider and look at the whole congressional relationship since congress is thinking of taking away th
where do we stand? let me first express my affection and respect for my colleague, patrick kennedy, who announced today is he not seeking re-election. he was, is a pioneer in mental health parity, and i have really enjoyed serving in congress with him. on this subject, i have supported eric holder s decision, because i think it s correct. we have a 90% convict rate of terrorists in federal court since 9/11, and that was why he picked it for some of the most notorious who are at guantanamo bay. i also support closing guantanamo bay, which has given us a black eye and served as a recruiting tool around the world. be that as it may, yes, there are some in congress who are raising the nimby issue. not in my backyard. yes. in the u.s., i hadn t heard gibbs comment but i do support a range of options for trying these folks. i just feel that federal courts are the best option, if the