concern. courtney just interrupt you, just to point out. if you go to the north of ukraine, just a left, that little red spot there that courtney is talking about. the countries that are around and there are poland and lithuania. there has been a long-standing concern, by both of those nations and by other nato allies, that ultimately russia will try to create land bridge. take some of the areas from poland and or lithuania down towards belarus. you see that dark green, dark green nation right above ukraine. that is one of the concerns. if he takes all of ukraine, that he is just going to keep pushing further and further west into some of those nato nations. courtney, i want you to stand by. i want to go to eastern ukraine now and bring in matt bradley. matt and i spoke a little while ago and you hadn t heard anything yet matt, now you have? yeah ali. back when you and i spoke, that was before vladimir putin gave his chilling speech to the nation, sleeping russian
pause on travel from about a half dozen nations in south africa. and now, add the united states to that list. the ripple effect is being felt, the stock market is down 900 points from the open. the world health organization has confirmed this variant is highly transmissible. but it is also urging caution on travel bans. let s get right to nbc s josh lederman in nantucket where the president is for the holiday. we also have msnbc medical contributor dr. vin gupta. also the host of npr s full disclosure, robin farzad. josh, i asked you in the last hour whether the president would move to strict travel and you said you hadn t heard anything. sounds like he was listening. reporter: that s right, katy. the white house wanted to wait
there is no fairness about these and it s that. yeah. things, they just are. saturday morning, more than 24 hours since they had any communication from their son zach brannon turned 23 in 2010. by 8:30, we still hadn t heard anything. we still woke up to even more horrible images and then had time to think about the death tolls and all that. i just picked up a degree in it was just compounding and history from a college in indiana, no idea what to do compounding and compounding. next. and then he saw an offer for a and then about the moment all job in japan, a two-year stint seemed lost, another e-mail teaching english to elementary arrived, not from zach. school kids, no japanese it was from kenji, the volunteer language skills required. why japan of all places? mentor in japan, just a few i don t think there s any words, and they meant rhyme or reason to it. everything. i think it was just offered to me and i jumped on it. bran nan son survived. the town they sent
realize how amazing of a father and friend you have been to me over the years, and have always given me a perfect example of how a man and a husband is to treat a woman and his wife. my gosh. i m thinking my god is this the last thing i hear from my son, you know? and it s that. yes. saturday morning, more than 24 hours since they d had any communication from their son. by 8:30, we still hadn t heard anything, and still woke up to more, even more horrible images, and then even had time to think about the death toll. the death toll. and all that. it was just compounding and compounding and compounding. and then? about the moment all seemed lost? another e-mail arrived, not from zach. it was from kenji, that volunteer mentor in japan, just a few words. and they meant everything. brandon-san survived.
though. dearest rockin papi, happy birthday. woo hoo, the big 5-0. the more and more time we spend apart, the more and more i realize how amazing of a father and friend you have been to me over the years, and have always given me a perfect example of how a man and a husband is to treat a woman and his wife. my gosh. i m thinking my god is this the last thing i hear from my son, you know? and it s that. yes. good morning. disaster in japan. saturday morning, more than 24 hours since they d had any communication from their son. by 8:30, we still hadn t heard anything, and still woke up to more, even more horrible images, and then even had time to think about the death toll. the death toll. and all that. it was just compounding and compounding and compounding. and then? about the moment all seemed lost? another e-mail arrived, not from zach. it was from kenji, that volunteer mentor in japan, just a few words. and they meant everything.