UTICA Utica High School girls bowling is only two seasons removed from its league-winning season in the Macomb Area Conference White, but it feels like ages ago after a downward spiral in 2023.
“The Shake” was a big country music hit for Neal McCoy in the late1990s. Today the shake is a big hit for the girls bowling team at L’Anse Creuse North.
The Tarble Arts Center holds many events and displays, but on Sept. 28, a special guest gave a presentation entitled “Art Speaks.” Hadley Clark, an artist with an educational background in painting as well as garment design and construction, shared her journey with her art through a collection of stories and imagery. The event.
North Atlantic right whales are one of the most studied marine mammals on the planet. But scientists don’t know how the critically endangered whales find their food. CAI’s climate and environment reporter Eve Zuckoff recently spent a day on a research vessel in Cape Cod Bay with experts trying to solve that mystery.
Kansas City used to be a hub for garment-making, and whether you're a knitting novice or crochet curious, there's no better time to make, mend and get into the textile arts. Check out this guide to fabric stores, craft recycling resources, classes and clubs in the area.