MHADA lottery 2023: The Pune board of MHADA had announced the lottery on September 6 for selling 5,863 affordable homes in Pune, Solapur, Sangli, and Kolhapur. The smallest apartment is of 204 sq ft carpet area, and the biggest of 1,087 sq ft carpet area.
In the 2023 lottery scheme, 5,863 affordable homes are on sale. Of these, 2,445 will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. All apartments are being sold in the range of Rs 5 lakh to Rs 1.11 crore.
The cheapest apartment costs Rs 5 lakh in the Kagal town of Kolhapur district. The costliest is a 3 BHK apartment for Rs 1.11 crore in the Sant Tukaram Nagar area of Pimpri in Pune district.