While former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, considered the favourite to win the February general elections, will only start his campaign next week, the Centre for Social Justice organised a conference on the participation of minorities in the elections and the broken promises of the last legislature on the political inclusion of minorities and anti-discrimination
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) and Minority Forum Pakistan organized a seminar titled "Effective participation of minorities in Elections" in Lahore wherein the representatives of the political parties presented the position of their parties regarding minorities' rights, and agreed to take practical steps to address the outstanding issues faced by minorities.
Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan Mr. Wada Mitsuhiro on Thursday inaugurated physical work on 2 mega projects of Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) including construction of water treatment plant and replacement of machinery at Inline Booster Pump Station which would be completed with an estimated cost of Rs.7.25 billion and Rs.1.16 billion respectively