Wildlife adventures can do wonders for conservation but the wrong tours put animals at risk. Here’s how to find a responsible outfitter so your trip can help protect the creatures you’ve come to see.
Finally, on a Saturday afternoon, the queue administrator said: Come back during the last slot at 8pm.
That evening, I joined Team Pfizer. Thoughts of safer travels bounced happily in my head.
Singapore s vaccine roll-out and the robust pandemic controls are the envy of many countries.
With the nation ramping up its vaccination rate and targeting to have two-thirds of the population fully inoculated by around National Day, more activities will resume in a calibrated style, so the Republic is expected to stay high on the chart.
Though borders may open and close again with Covid-19 variants, it is clear that vaccination and testing will become de rigueur for travel.
A Guide to Seeing the Northern Lights in Canada
April 12, 2021
If you are wondering when to see
the Northern Lights in Canada, you have come to the right place. Aristotle described it as
a tear in the sky behind which we see flames, ; and Galileo gave it its name.
Born from the meeting of
solar wind particles and gases from the Earth s upper atmosphere, the aurora borealis or Northern Lights is a phenomenon that can be observed
beyond the Arctic Circle, between
the 65th and 75th parallels.
Resulting from
magnetic field, auroras occur
daily in regions with high latitudes, from Alaska to Scandinavia. The auroral oval covers most of Canada - Yukon, northern Saskatchewan, Northern Territories, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, British Columbia.