term. tough talking on venezuela, on cnn, on the new york times , on the washington post . any critics who get in the way this president. then again, when it comes to white nationalists, neo-nazis, the ku klux klan, this president is not being direct. this was a hot topic of conversation during the campaign, george. a much larger group surrounds the extremist core. politicians start to notice. this is a president who has benefited from some of that outer ring of extremist supporters. when the murder happened yesterday, when the turmoil was going on in the streets, when people were flashing nazi
for instance, senator oren hatch tweeting we should call evil by his name. senator ted cruz calling it domestic terrorism. chuck grassley, what white nationalists are doing is homegrown terrorism. you have law makers, republican colleagues of the president, who are calling it what it is. yet the president not doing that. how do you explain this huge disconnect between the president of the united states and these gop senators? well, those gop senators had plenty of time to come up with their message. they re not taking on as many things as the president of the united states is right now. some the president has had time. he has had hours to tweet again. hasn t he? he has tweeted. he does like to use twitter. he has tweeted sad, unfortunate well, i don t know that he said unfortunate.
he hasn t called out white supremacy. well, i hope tomorrow that he does. again, i was watching van jones is, a good friend of mine, earlier. i heard his heart. i heard what he was saying. i heard what he wanted to hear from our president. and i think the president will claire some of the things maybe he didn t get a chance to address today. all right. andre bower, appreciate you coming on. thank you so much for your perspective. reporter: thank you, amber. that interview taking place earlier in the day. but, again, the president always has the ability to follow up with nuance and context. the question continues, what did he mean by many sides ? many looking to his twitter account on that u.s. leaders denounce the rally as radical bigotry. we discuss race relations with a bit of history in mind. stay with us. as newsroom pushes on. olay eyes
enemies. we are the birthplace of democracy. it is about deliberation, progress, working together. at the end of the day if you disagree with somebody, you don t try to take them down. you agree to move forward. these folks do not want that. they do not agree with the rules of democracy. they are on the losing side of democracy. the work of rebuilding and healing is just beginning. tomorrow will come. we will emerge, i can promise you, stronger than ever. that was the mayor of virginia. let s bring in cnn political comment airport erol lewis. let s begin with the big picture here. the president of the united states being criticized for not calling these protesters what
the country? du following through with what he says. and the president of the united states, does he find you huplz himself in a corner here? is there a way out? there is a way out. both have been known to make threats and not follow through. this is coming sort of comic. it has always been the case of tphoerbg forecast to make blustery threats. what s new is the president on the united states has stpaopdooo that level. we understand at the same time there is a great deal of bluster between two leaders. diplomatic channels are main in place. is there a chance that diplomacy could in fact, win the day here. you hear the president on one hand. you hear members of his cabinet saying sort of the same thing