[b[birds chirprping] [suspenseful music] - i m m just gonnana tell you the e whole storory. so i i had the $ $50,000 debt becacause of thehe taxes. i was s screwed. jerry s dedead. i i m left hololding the b b. and i memean, i don n t hae $50,000 0 for the irirs. i m nonot going dodown like th. i i was just t thinking, okay, i g gotta dodo somethingng here. i gotta a do somethihing. i cacalled the i irs, and i sasaid, listeten, i k know you knknow i owe $ $5, but i i have a stotory for yo so i t told the irirs ththe whole ststory verbatat. now,w, it might t ve been a year l later, my accouountant, wewe were talklking, and.. he said,d, you knowow, you re thehe reason why all l this went t down i sasaid, what?t? he s said, yeahah. becacause they r reported it to thehe fbi or whwhomever and itit just buststed wide on afteter that, but i had d no idea. alall i was trtrying to dodo wt myself o out of a $5$50,000 de. and the next thing i knew, everybody is bein
avercoe pr.e, h hest ver rdin to , e 9 mont ofth ril.erpr h st r s up 0 ce s from ntla ek.l. at s big mp upceinomweekla so.here s g no ineve ek ore sorejos me, noonom wrer e athe e wa strjot jrnaland , omwr thorat ofthe watrjald or ofe enofprperi. go tosee u. hou dog?enof pr griat goto toe hereho mart: doisis ike g tore rtx, isbasie lly. gasices upsiy. ople ases haveess inme spd uple th wisves in sp nouestn out it, maha. th is was ju t nostin nortt rn , rginma, .whe s ju livert inwh w payi $39. vewas incalornithe wewe yi fore$3the yings ver inalnie we$4 rea gaon.e anngr en you ink out it, ga no.peop are an ying u k mu t , as $ or 0 noope ng tofill.mu $thisr s toll iscaus a imp erics payecks yoare usartia p see the i ayks yo e effe of tie highe enere pres d fef ghgaer pr pres. wilreerbegate rougut pr th.econy. ile rebe ugpric of