VYUsync’s H.264 1080p60, 4:2:2, 10-bit Decoder Core is a highly optimized, high resolution decompression engine targeted primarily at FPGAs. The leading .
The H.264 Decoder Core is a highly optimized, high resolution decompression engine targeted primarily at FPGAs. It is well suited for various applications .
Intel demoed game streaming with hardware-accelerated AV1 video codec that its new ARC graphics chips offer for both encoding and decoding action for the first time on a desktop or laptop GPU. For now, AMD and Nvidia GPUs don t offer native AV1 encoding support, while Intel clearly demonstrates its superiority over the HEVC codec in an Elden Ring game stream demo.
Intel demoed game streaming with hardware-accelerated AV1 video codec that its new ARC graphics chips offer for the first time on a desktop or laptop GPU. For now, AMD and Nvidia GPUs don t offer native AV1 support, while Intel clearly demonstrates its superiority over the HEVC codec in an Elden Ring game stream demo.