The Bulgarian government has launched an initiative that will see shoppers enjoying lower prices on a variety of basic goods at participating grocery stores.
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re-election bid. biden flipped pennsylvania in 2020 and told the ground that labor s support will be critical for him to win re-election. this room didn t show up for work tomorrow, the whole country would come to a grinding halt. [ cheers and applause ] so tell me, tell me, who matters more in america? folks, i m looking forward to this you campaign. i want you to know why. because you got a story to tell. we ve got a story to tell. we got a record to run on. most importantly, we are not only changing this country. we are transforming it. cnn white house reporter jasmine wright joining us now. good morning. of course, it makes sense that president biden kicking off his 2024 campaign in philadelphia as he is reminding voters of his deep ties to the crucial swing state. reporter: yeah, we got a glimpse of what president biden will look like for this 2024