I can’t remember them all, but there were the Moonshine Cloggers, a large group of very fit-looking Zumba women, the Long Flat Learner Dance Group, a couple of delightful ballet presentations and, finally, “One Million Rising” a group of women who sang and danced against domestic violence. If I have left out your group, I apologise. The Inaugural Annual Dance Affair by Everybody Now! Photography by Leeroy Todd - 7
The program was orchestrated, perhaps I should say choreographed, by a very professional troupe from out of town. The compère had done enough research to determine that Gympie is a spirited and resilient community. “Advanced players,” he called us .
“Gympie Regional Council is inviting members of the public to come together to reflect, respect and celebrate on Australia Day,” a council statement has announced.
“There will be something for the whole family to enjoy including delicious food from over 20 local suppliers and for the first time will feature a special Australia Day menu, showcasing each of their signature dishes,” it says.
Food demonstrations and the best live music will be on display across three stages, featuring
performances from local artists Alison Jensen, Dan Horne, Emma Beau, Mason Hope, Chris Ah Gee & Jazella, Linc Phelps, Aspy Jones and Tennessee Lights.