Special Police Establishment Lokayukta have caught a Patwari accepting bribe, Gwalior Lokayukta police team today caught a Patwari of Ashoknagar district red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20000,he was demanding bribe for transfer of land.
According to Gwalior Lokayukta SP Rameshwar Yadav,
The Gwalior Lokayukta police team caught a clerk posted in Bhind municipality for taking bribe of Rs 55,000 on Friday. The accused tried to run away and attacked the team. He was arrested later.
Gwalior SP Rameshwar Yadav told media that complainant Vipin Jain, resident of Madhoganj Haat, had
Earlier on October 8, postal assistant Indrabhan Singh Yadav lodged his complaint with the team of special establishments of Madhya Pradesh police at Gwalior.