bipartisan agreement to do that. we re saying you guys ree tire at 40 and go work other jobs so we re going to cut back on those pensions. is that a reasonable payway to think about those tradeoffs? a reasonable way of looking at this is we re going to be spared the fiscal cliff metaphor. it could have been monetary outcropping. budgetary butte. i was stoked for round three of this but it s not going to happen. people are realizing it s not black or white, not one party versus the other. even within this party you have this agreement where the tea party side of it is no surrender, no give, no take, just stick to this, no tax increases. within the republican party they realize it s going to subsume the entire party when congressional approval rate rgs at an all-time low. you almost have to split hairs, even looking at something as monolithic as defense spending. are veterans going to be orphaned if they don t get their cost of living adjust. it s showing you can t black and white thin