a noose around his neck and made the whole thing. i would not be my mother s son if i was capable of one drop of water accused of crazy. doesn t have anything to say. the people of chicago. do you think you guys areo tu believable? life insur? 100%. 100%. i m jonathan lawson. and looking to buy life insurance here to tell you about lifes. insurance through the colonial pen program. of life in looking to buy life insurance of life in on a fixed budget, the three p s? what are the three p s? the three ps of life insurancee, on a fixed budget are price, price and price a price you can. afford a price that can t increase and a price that fits your budget. i m 54. what s my price? also $9.95 a month. nine dollars, 95 cents a month . i m sixty five and take$9.95. medication. what s my price. you also nine ninety five ra month